Dutch orange

Over the past weekend I started working on a layout refresh for mutelife*. It was yet another attempt at changing things around. You see, from time to time I like to try new things here, I have a couple of ideas, sketch some of those out but, for one reason or another, they feel forced and die before seeing any light.

This one started the same way: I was at home, relaxing with Lena and Akira, and started playing around with ideas but getting no where. Then it all started flowing, it all started to make sense and now I could see the big picture — that’s when I knew I was on to something. It’s not particularly innovative, but will hopefully bring some clarity and cohesiveness to the overall experience (homepage, I’m looking at you).

This was accomplished in record time, so let me know if you spot anything out of place, and expect more changes to come soon.

And…what better way to announce a new visual on the blog than celebrating a city like Amsterdam? Enjoy!


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